Theatre of Absurdity - Hitler heading a Peace Committee in WWII akin to N. Biren Singh heading Manipur Peace Committe

*N Biren inclusion in the peace committee is against peace itself and insentive to the victims of crime against humanity itself* 

We are for real Peace,  not a sham peace committee

In an alternate reality,  as WWII rages on and the Jews were still exterminated in the holocaust, where the 'NAZI Regime' was still intact and Hitler had not yet committed suicide, the world leaders came together to form a peace committee just to end the war without a care for justice or the crimes committed against humanity. 

With a myopic goal of ending the  violence at any cost, prominent leaders of the evil 'Axis powers' had to be included in the fictitious Peace committee, namely:

1. Adolf Hitler

2. Benito Mussolini

3. Josef Goebbels

4. Emperor Hirohito 

A few leaders of the 'Allied countries' and neutral countries were  also included in the committee to present a picture of fairness, equity and inclusiveness.

* This obviously did not happen in the real world and in real recorded history  and if it ever happened it would be absurd and unacceptable to the victims of unspeakable crimes against humanity and genocide*

In the name of peace, victims are now forced to sit at the same table with the perpetrators of the crimes committed against them. ( Alternate reality becomes a real nightmare in Manipur)

The brazen inclusion of N Biren Singh, CM of Manipur, the man responsible for all that has gone wrong with Manipur, in the Peace committee through  an official notification issued by Home Ministry, GoI, is akin to including Hitler in a Peace initiative during WWII. Adolf Hitler, the architect of the genocide against the Jews cannot be part of the peace committee to right the wrongs committed against the Jews even in an alternate universe. N. Biren Singh inclusion in the recently announced Peace Committee for Manipur presents a similar dilemma. He has been complicit in the pogrom of ethnic cleansing and human rights violation against the KukiZo people.  He has been allegedly patronising the two Nazified-radicalised groups -: the Arambai Tenggol and the Meitei Leepun.  He is solely responsible for the ethnic cleansing pogrom against the Kuki Zo people for deliberately allowing the total breakdown of law and order and refusing to protect the lives and property of Kuki-Zo community who are bonafide citizens of India and indigenous to the state of Manipur. His spiteful rhetorics and false accusations against the Kukis has led to the mobilisation of Meitei mobs against the KukiZo tribals. And  his alleged misuse of the state machinery to side with the majority community against the minority tribal community needs to be investigated. Only after he has been absolved of all accusations, he could be considered for a role in the peace committee. The present notification is at best insentive and devoid of moral authority with the inclusion of persons who  are engaged in the pogrom of ethnic cleansing against the KukiZo tribals and organisations such as COCOMI who had openly declared "national war" against the Kuki-zo tribes.

KukiZo people had always stood for peace, peaceful co-existence. We would more than welcome such peace initiative provided it can assure our people fairness, justice and impartiality. The notification is rubbing salt into our already festering wounds.

Please reconstitute the Peace Committee after wider consultations. The peace committee formation must be preceded by the following:

1. Cessation of armed attacks on all Kuki-zo villages and people and vice versa

2. Institute Fact-finding committee on the cause and the conspiracy behind the violence in Manipur

3. Delivering justice to all victims and affected persons irrespective of the community they belong to.

4. Identify the perpetrators of crimes against humanity and fix responsibility on those who have failed the citizens of the state.

Issued in Public Interest.

P. Chongloui 


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