Why a UT modelled on the lines of Puducherry could solve the competing claims of Hill districts in Manipur?
Why a UT modelled on the lines of Puducherry could work? It is time to use our ingenuity and creativity to solve the vexed problem of overlapping claims over territories in the Hills of Manipur. When there are competiting claims and the problems are as complex and chaotic as in the case of Manipur Hill districts, the solution must also reflect the realities on the ground. To put it simply, the "Out-of-the-box Thinking" could throw up many possibilities and an acceptable solution can be picked by all stakeholders through consensus. The myriad of tribes have diversity of opinion and views within the in-group as well. Respecting diversity and choices is the only way to bring about lasting solution in the region. Let this be the guiding principle for any solution that is proposed to the Union government. The Puducherry model could be the creative solution to accommodate the interests of both Nagas and Kukis who can't seem to agree on which areas should be included in their pr...