
Showing posts from June, 2023

The interest of the community vs the interest of the nation The last line is perhaps a badly string of words or unintentional otherwise the write up appears well researched baring a few errors in data presented. Well sir, communities together form a nation, therefore, the last comment you made on the supremacy of the the interest of the nation over communities sounds rather insensitive.

Who is indigenous?

 All of us have claim to come from a place other than Manipur and we have all made it home. And at the same we all claim to be indigenous and we use the term to discriminate and foment hatred.  Chakhum Officials Directory Radio YellOut Calendar Yellow Pages eRang Ooba Video eMing Books eYek News Reviews Manipur Travel Education Features Galleries Leisure Links Mayek Panorama Tools Contribute eMail us TODAY  - Monday, Jun 26, 2023         You Are Here:  Home   »   News Section   »   Inner Line Permit ILP Demand Meiteis are not Indigenous People of Manipur Lt Col Laishram Lokendra Singh(Retd) * Saroi Khangba (propitiation of the evil spirits) observed by Meiteis on 8th March 2014 :: Pix - Deepak Oinam/Shankar Kh Except for the die-hard few Meiteis who have been strongly conditioned to believe that they are descendents of Arjuna of Mahabharata fame and they are therefore Mayang Aryans, the overwhelming majority Meiteis do believe that they are  Yelhoumee  – the indigenous people of Manipu