DON'T CRY FOR ME, MANIPUR! Appalled, disgusted and feeling a great sense of betrayal after seeing clips of incitement to kill, loot and targetted hatred. But at the same time, I pity the perpetrators of such inhumane crime. They may take lives and destroy hard earned property and wealth but in the process they have lost their humanity and the long arm of the law awaits them. The truth will eventually emerge. Where are the voices of the majority who I believe did not get swayed by the radicals? Where were the meeteis who we called friends and neighbours? I have refrained from joining the tit for tat rhetorics that our two communities are engaged in even after we have suffered so much. These video evidences compelled me speak up. There was a generation of Manipuris brought up on the ideals of Pan Manipur and Hingminasi Ekhoi ( peaceful co-existence and fraternal bonds amongst all communities). Where art thou?It is the natural order of things that every person will sympat...